Recent competition news

Congratulations to all our club members for their recent (-ish) fencing achievements at a state level and even further afield.


  • Jeremy Sadler won a Bronze in the NSWFA Novak Open Men's Sabre Competition
  • Chris Sadler won a Silver in the NSWFA Tony Dominguez Mixed Veteran Epee Competition
  • Cath Syme won a Bronze in the NSWFA Southern Highlands GP Open Womens Epee (it says "Southern Highlands" on her club affiliation but we know where her loyalties lie)


  • Nigel Nutt won Gold at DH McKenzie (AFC1) in the Veteran Men's Foil!
  • Jeremy Shelley won Silver at DH McKenzie (AFC1) in the Open Men's Epee!


Representing Australia, D'arcy Jessop and Alice Warrington both received medals for their performance at the 2016 SEA Pacific Championships. D'Arcy won a Silver medal as part of the Australian Cadet Mens Foil B Team, and Alice won Bronze with both the Australian Cadet and Junior Womens Sabre teams.

Local man finishes pokedex

Ash, 21, finished his pokedex today by catching the 710th pokemon. It took 236 hours. 

He will be taking questions and signing autographs at Tuesday training from 7:30 PM, and staring vacantly at the wall at all other times.

The beginners course is underway

Our future Uni Games athletes are just getting started.

Our future Uni Games athletes are just getting started.

We had a great response to the beginners course for Semester 1, with a full Tuesday and a pretty busy overflow group on Sunday as well. They seem like they're getting the hang of it already, and the club is happy to have them.

If you're new to fencing and you missed out but you're still interested in joining the club, join our Facebook group or send us an email and get in touch.

There's still time for signups to the beginners' course!

We've had a great response to the beginners' course for block one—in fact, we've had so many people apply that we're now oversubscribed.

Not to worry, though. We're going to run an extra five-week course on Sundays, starting on the 28th February. The course starts at 11.30 each week—plenty of time to drag yourself out of bed and get down to ANU Sport.

You can sign up on the beginners course page, and if you've got any questions drop us a line on the Facebook group or via email at anufencingclub @ gmail dot com.

Storm Damage update: Further delays

Over the weekend there was another big storm that caused some more damage to the hall that's currently under refurbishment.

This has pushed out the day that the hall is suitable for use to 8 February. This shouldn't affect the scheduled training on Tuesday 9 Feb—hopefully it stays dry in the meantime.

The ANU Sports Hall has been damaged by flooding :(

[Updated 28 Jan]

Do you remember that great weather we had late last week? All the storms, etc.? Well, it rained so hard that the roof at ANU Sport leaked while they were resurfacing the hall. So now they have to do it again.

The original resurfacing work was due to be completed today, but this date has been pushed back because of the damage. We won't be back in until February 4 (Thursday).

This won't affect the panel discussion that's happening instead of Witness The Fitness on 28 January.

ANU Fencer Jeremy Shelley got a write-up on the ANU Sport Website!

And we didn't have anything to do with it!

ANU student, Jeremy Shelley, has been getting to the point in the 2015-16 fencing season. After winning the Australian University Championship and finishing on the podium at a qualifying national tournament in Adelaide, Jeremy was selected for the Australian Fencing Team for the first time for the 2015-16 international season.

More puns here at the original article.