ANU Annual Competition
ANU fencing club is holding its annual open and novice competition, as well as an Italian Relay team competition. The schedule of events is:
Saturday 10th August
9.00 – Novice Sabre
10.30 – Open Sabre
12.00 – Novice Epee
2.00 (or after the conclusion of Novice Epee) – Open Epee
Sunday 11th August
9.00 – Novice Foil
10.30 (or after the conclusion of Novice Foil)– Open Foil
12.00– Italian Relay
The Italian Relay is a team competition where each team is made up of one fencer in each of the three weapons. It is free to enter for all fencers who are competing in at least one other event. Fencers can create their own teams, or be sorted into a team on the day.
Details and registration form here:
ACT Under 20s Championships
This event is for the Under 20s ACTFA competition taking place on the 21st of July.
The event will be run for all three weapons: ACTFA members are eligible to receive reimbursement for one weapon in one State Championship competition in 2019 from ACTFA.
Early Bird (up to and including 14th of July 2019) - $25 for first event & $15 for second/third.
Standard (15th to 19th of July 2019) – $35 for first event & $25 for second/third.
No registrations will be accepted after the 19th.
Epee: 8:30am
Foil: 10:30am
Sabre: 12:30pm
Events will be mixed if there aren’t enough people in one gender (separate rankings), otherwise separate events for male and female in each weapon.
Breeches will be required for epee and preferred for all weapons.

2019 AGM
Only members of the club may vote at the AGM and be elected to committee positions.

Novice Epee
Fencers must be novices to compete.
Any fencer that first appeared on a Ranking list for any weapon, from anywhere in Australia, less than 4 years ago, and that has not been awarded Champion Novice fencer in any state in Australia.

Novice Foil
Fencers must be novices to compete.
Any fencer that first appeared on a Ranking list for any weapon, from anywhere in Australia, less than 4 years ago, and that has not been awarded Champion Novice fencer in any state in Australia.