These rubber duckies are so cute
Last Sunday, the 31st of July, the first-ever ANU-ADFA intervarsity competition was held at ANU. The goal of the competition was to encourage competition and camaraderie between the Australian Defence Force Academy and the Australian National University fencing clubs, and with that in mind it was a huge success. We had 20 fencers in the novice competition, more than half of whom were from ADFA.
We held both novice and open individual foil competitions, and a teams competition of ANU v. ADFA. The team competition was closely fought, with a final score of 45-38 giving ANU the victory. The team were awarded the now-customary ANU blue rubber duckie.
Thanks to the ADFA fencers for bringing some well-received competitive spirit to ANU — we're looking forward to seeing you all again soon. Special thanks also goes to all our volunteers who helped set up the pistes, referee, run the bbq, and take photos. We really couldn't have done it without you.
Bring on 2017!